From Todays World:


Miracle in Chung Pyung Korea



Jean Picard

Sun Moon University, Korea

After being suddenly hospitalized in the late evening of September 7, 1998, I was diagnosed with a serious heart problem requiring urgent surgery. I wouid be on medication for the rest of my life and have to refrain from any sports activity. The doctor estimated , the cost of surgery at $10,000. My condition was so serious that I decided to return to my home country, Cameroon.

When I returned to the dormitory, I lit my holy candle and began to pray in tears, speaking to God desperately, as a child who is asking his mother for milk. I told God, You called me to work for the Providence, and there remains so much to do." I also cried in front of pictures of Heung Jin Nim and Daemonim asking for their support. My heart was broken as I looked at the picture of my wife and my daughter.


At that moment a sister telephoned me. Because I was praying, I asked her to call back in a few minutes. When she called again I was still crying. I told her there was no hope for me and that I would soon go to the spirit world. I also told her my plan was to attend four forty-day workshops to purify myself of evil spirits and then to return to my hometown to bless people. Although this sister is younger than I and useually respectful to me, this time she scolded me. She spoke with authority, but with a mothers heart, trying to comfort me. She asked me to stop such thinking. She said I would not die, because God is the owner of our life. That there was a spiritual side to this that the doctor was unaware of, and that God would decide everything. This conversation was so helpful for me.

Later on, Kiladi, the president of the Western Students Association came to my room and together we tried to come up with a solution. Without my knowing it he began to organize everything. Later I found out that there was a great mobilization of brothers and sisters working to solve the problem. They had decided to collect money and to organize a fundraising team. Sixteen brothers regardless of race, nationality or language, went to Seoul to fundraise. Some of them had just arrived in Korea two weeks earlier and did not speak Korean or know thc city. But they were so determined. After three days, about fifty percent of the amount had been collected. One sister generously gave a thousand dollars, even though she would have to fundraise afterwards to replace the money. Someone then suggested that, since we had not yet raised the full amount, we could borrow money from a bank and continue to fund- raise after the operation to repay it.

Kiladi and the sister who had donated the thousand dollars suggested that I go to Chung Pyung for a the three-day workshop to prepare spiritually for the operation. Although I was not prepared to go, I accepted this. They also told me I needed absolutely to meet personally with Daemo-nim; but I felt that it would not be easy bacause she is busy taking care of so many cases, some worse than mine. Without informing me, however Kiladi met Mrs. Hyo-Nam Kim (Daemo-nim medium) through his national messiah. I had already comleted the workshop and was on the bus, about the return to the university; when two sisters approached me and said Daemo-nim wanted to see me. I was so surprised and felt this was the beginning of the solution to my problem. Mrs. Kim asked me to join in an ancestral liberation session with other workshop participants and then meet her afterward. When I returned later, Mrs. Kim noticed me and said to a staff memeber, "Please take care of this brother. He has a heart problem." You can't imagine how happy I was that Daemo-nim was giving me such attention. I felt it was a great privilige, such as I can't describe.

After receiving the ansu treatment I suddenly felt better. I asked Mrs. Richardson to please translate to please translate for me so that I could personally thank Daemo-nim. I bowed in front of Daemo-nim. She asked me to go to the hospital again. Because although the spirits were no longer with me, they had already caused my body physical damage. Kiladi and I spent one more night at Chung Pyung. I felt so well I even did some physical exercise.

On September 15, I went to the hospital for my appointment with the doctor. His attitude was completely different: he said I was completely different: he said I was sick of course, but that I needed only to take some medication for four days and then return for another checkup. He said I would not need any surgery at that time, although it might later become necessary.

My improvement caused great joy among my fellow students. Our sadness was transformed into joy. The next day, the director of our school came with Kiladi to visit me in my room.

I returned to the hospital for a check-up by the same doctor on September 19. After examining me, he informed me that I no longer needed the medication and that, after a certain period of time, I could even resume my sports activities. What can I say after this? There are certain moments in our lives when there is no word to express the reality of our feelings and it is better to be silent. But before being silent, I have one word in mind. Glory! Glory to God. Glory to True Parents, glory to Daemo-nim, and glory to Heung Jin Nim, who has offered us this wonderful Chung Pyung providence.

Unity is the key tnat can open all the doors. When I saw the unity ot brothers and sisters, the fear I had had before the operation disappeared. I know this was a base for God and the spirit world to work. Where there is unity there is love, and where there is love there is God. This unity comprises all the continents, nations and races. Can you imagine how beautiful were the brother fundraising in the streets of Seoul? Can you imagine how happy God was to see that His children could unite? Through this experience, brothers and sisters shared the same pain. We saw that the colour of our skin or hair is not so important; what is importint is our heartistic unity as God's children. This was an opportunity: for God to teach the Sun Moon University students that we can build the ideal world. When God Looks at humanity. He sees one family.

After this, I have just one further problem to solve: whenever I pray I shed tears, because I feel that I caused so much trouble and pain to my brothers and sisters. I want to thank them and ask them to forgive me.


Jean Picard is the former national leader of Camoroon. He and his wife, Lunga Bijou, participated in the 30 0000 Couple Blessing in 1992. they have one daughter.