Nemesis Devina by Carl Linnaeus.
The Divine Justice

Carl von Linné (1707-1778)

Most people only know Linné as the great father of botany.

But in his long life of searching the secrets of nature he finally came the conclusion that there is also a


Linnés background was very religious.

"Having priests in his lineage both on the fathers and the mothers side, grown up in a lonely parriage in southeastern Sweden, Linné has already from childhood with his thoughts lived into the stories from the Bible, especially Old Testaments thought as well as its spirit and letter."

Linné is the one of all great writers of that century, who thinks Biblical, feels Biblical and writes Biblical.

...especially in his Nemesis Divina.

His book was probably never meant for the public, but written especially for his only sons personal reading.

In the book Linné has made a long collection of the faith of many people he met and heard of, where he clearly can see a pattern of a Divine law of indemnity (Nemesis Divina), which punishes misdoings between people, in their own life or the life of descendants.

  1. Examples
  2. Prophecies
  3. Premonitory sign
  4. Ghosts
  5. Dreams
  6. Notions
  7. The Voice of Nature

Linne, lists more then 100 of cases like those below.
And sees the hand of a juste God dispense final justice on all.

The Count Adlerfeldt, who in 1743 was shot outside Norrtull in Stockholm by the rebellious Dala people and thereby suffered by Nemesis for in Turkey committed murder, which he had been sentenced to be shot, but he managed to escape, until the matter was forgotten.
Count cry: I see God's vengeance on this place, and drown.

German had killed a young man 40 years ago, have been freed under oath. Was haunted by many pains. He often said:
I know that the dogs will lick my blood, where I have killed the man.
70-year-old he met two horsemen, who threw one horse over the old man, he gave up the spirit, right in the same place where he should have killed the man. - Altona Mercurius 1764

3. New farmhand. -
Farmer in Jönkoping bullies his servant;
the boy swears that he another time pay him back. The farmer have a knife on a shelf, as no one else was allowed to carve or use, more than he.

After 2 years the farmer offer harvest beer. Last farmhand goes there at. 12, meets the wife at home, asks to be served a glass to drink, because they had harvest beer. The wife goes down to the basement after beer The farm-hand takes farmer's knife and goes after; murdering his wife miserable in the basement; flees.
The farmer awaits his wife's invitation to dinner to come
He becomes angry, says he will go home to teach his wife to have food ready on time, that they do not work themselves to death.
Returning home looking for his wife in vain, goes down into the basement, because the door stood open, finds his wife lying down, lifts her up, bloodies himself, stops in shock.
Guests come after him, finding the farmer in the basement speechless, tenderhearted, bloody, wife still warm, his knife bloody.
He is arrested, denies, but so many proofs,
Is sentenced to death, decapitated. After a few years happen the farmhand is in a fight with another, hitting him in the head with a pole, that kills him;
sentenced to death and confess that he had murdered the farmers wife.
The Court of Appeal, which ruled, lose their salary for a half year.

Source: In Swedish Nemesis Divina

Compare with The Principle explanation of Law of Indemnity.