Testimony of spiritual vision during the Cosmic Blessing Ceremony, Sunday October 18th, Copenhagen Denmark


Received by

Lars Bruun de Neergaard,

30.000 Couple Blessing

Unification Church, Denmark



After the Holy Wine Ceremony had concluded and we began the Blessing Ceremony, showing the video from Korea October 14th, my spiritual senses opened and I could see that parallel Blessing Ceremonies was taking place in the "spiritual realm of Denmark". So for around one hour, as we had our Blessing Ceremony (watching the video from October 14th in Korea) I could see glimpses of what was taking place in the spiritual realm “on a spiritual video screen”.


For three reasons I wants to write and share this testimony of what I saw:


First, the content of the vision confirmed how extraordinary significant this Cosmic Blessing Ceremony was for those in the spiritual world (invisible substantial world ) and for creating unity there.


Secondly, it confirmed that without us having this ceremony taking place in the physical world (visible substantial world) it would not be possible to conduct it in the spiritual world. So during the vision I felt a constant flowing of feelings of deep gratitude towards us, even though we were only around 20 couples (representing the number 21). Also, there was a special reason why each couple was there, as they each was a representative for a larger group. Therefore when I reported the content of this vision to brothers and sisters after the ceremony had finished (after the National Leader Thorkil Christensen encouraged me to do so ) I couldn´t help crying, because hundreds of thousands of people “on the other side“ wanted to express their deep gratitude to each and everyone attending.


Thirdly, because it was very emotional when I shared the Testimony, then I forgot to mention a few (but very inspiring) points, which I also would like to share to those whom attended.


The vision consisted of two parts:


The first 90 % of the vision which I saw, was a “video recording “ of what had already happened in the "spiritual realm of Denmark" during the Holy Wine Ceremony and Blessing Ceremony on October 14th, at the time of the event taking place in Korea. Here 1/3 of the couples in Denmark (representing the number 7) attended through live webcast, 4:00 AM local time.

The last 10 % was a vision of what was happening  “live” on Sunday October 18th right after the conclusion of the Blessing Ceremony  (and as a result of our Ceremony) , with the remaining couples (representing the number 14).


There are four geographic locations in Denmark mentioned in the vision (marked in the text with thick letters). These are introduced with a picture and short introduction.




Content of “video” from 14th October:


The scenery is Roskilde Cathedral. A stage was erected at the north face of the Cathedral, with the opening facing north also. There is a view down the hill towards the harbor and over Roskilde Fjord. Hundreds of thousands of people in shiny white ropes fill out the hill and the fjord, as if they are standing above the water - facing south towards the stage. My position is that of standing with the back to the stage at the right side corner, facing the people. I could not see any details of the stage, but I guess they were also watching “a big video screen”. The time is the Blessing Ceremony. The Holy Wine Ceremony had been conducted. The feeling of this scenery is that they are all people who have been taken out of the “dirty water” (as a symbol of fallen humanity) and been purified. The people took great attention towards the stage, but they almost did not take notice to the persons next to them. Therefore there was a kind of cool and empty feeling between people, but a deep and warm feeling of gratitude “vertically” towards what was going on at the stage.


In the front row there are only 4 persons: Saint Ansgar (known as the “Apostle of the North”, Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen, lived 801 – 865). He is wearing the Archbishop gown, woven with many gold-ornaments and a staff in his right hand. Together with and behind him there are 3 masters of religious ceremonies of pre-christian faith, Norse Mythology, (representing the 3 archangels). The only detail of their gowns is a beautiful red scarf around the neck going all the way down to their feet. On the scarf is a “Midgard serpent” woven in gold. I am only standing a few meters away from Saint Ansgar, who then comes up to greet me with a big smile. I have never seen such a happy person in my entire life! His joy is so great that his spirit becomes so bright, that it outshines the brightness of his golden gown. He raises his hands and staff and shouts with a big voice: “Now the mission of Christianity in Denmark is fulfilled”.


Then from this moment on, and the rest of the vision, I heard and “felt” the theme of the  Parable in the Bibel: “The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard”; Matthew 20:1-16 – but with a new happy end!: instead of  the workers, who had worked the whole day, complained that the owner gave the same salary to those who came later and even just worked 1 hour, then they  “united with Gods´s viewpoint” and welcomed wholeheartedly that everybody got the same salary, even to those who just came 5 minutes before end of working day – and embraced all with a warm brotherly love. So this happy atmosphere of the Parable, was in the background of the rest of the vision – as well as the words of the last verse (Matthew 20:16): “So the last will be first, and the first last.”



                                           Roskilde Cathedral from year 1282,

                                                    40 km´s west of Copenhagen.                                                        

Then suddenly I was lifted up and saw all of Denmark from above, how the Blessing Ceremony was organized in each place. In each place people were wearing long white gowns.


First, I was shown that ceremonies were conducted at the 5 ring castles, viking castles, which was build around the danish kingdom in the end of the 9th century. Here the stage was in the center and people were lined up through the 4 gates, facing the stage



                                               The ring castle Trelleborg

                                       near the city of Slagelse, eastern Zealand


Secondly, at all danish fjords ceremonies were conducted in a similar way as at Roskilde Fjord. Thousands of people were gathered, facing the head-church of the city, which is located in the bottom of the fjord – and people were standing above the water.

Thirdly, in the inner land and other parts of the country (including the around 400 islands, which the danish kingdom consist of) the ceremonies were conducted around the head-church in each city and village. But the ceremony at Roskilde Cathedral was the main ceremony.


Then suddenly I was moved a little bit back in time to the Holy Wine ceremony to the small city of Jelling in the eastern part of Jutland (near the city of Vejle), which was an important headquarter in the Viking Age. Here a special kind of Holy Wine ceremony was taking place. To describe the ceremony I first have to shortly describe some physical objects at Jelling: There are 2 big burial mounds, where King Gorm the Old ( ? – 958 AD) and Queen Thyra Dannebod were buried. In between the 2 mounds is a white village church and a big rune stone, made by their son King Harold Bluetooth ( 935 – 986 AD ) to honor his parents. On the stone is a runic inscription which describes a central event in the history of Denmark: the King's acceptance of Christianity on behalf of his whole people. For that reason the stone is often called "Denmark's Certificate of Baptism".


        Harold Bluetooth´s                The ornament on King Harold´s stone:         Aerial photo of Jelling with

     Runic stone to the right                     the crucified Jesus with                            the 2 burial mounds        

           (c. 985  AD )                       the “Midgard serpent”  intertwined                     and the white church       

      At this site of Jelling there was a special Holy Wine Ceremony taking place:

On the 2 burial mounds 1200 people in white long gowns were lined up in a figure with 2 spirals, with the beginning of the 2 spirals on each top af the mounds, covering them with people in white. The two spirals were connected, to make altogether one line of people – forming an ornamental design just like on the picture below.


                 Belt-plate from Langstrup in North Zealand, Bronze-age (around 1400 BC).

                          Such belt-plates were used by women from high social ranking.

On the aerial photo below you see Jelling with the 2 burial mounds and church, with a spiral-drawing (sorry for the bad drawing !) showing how they were lined up.


Surprisingly the 1200 people all had in their right hand a cow´s horn (beautifully decorated) and filled with Holy Wine, using Mead instead of wine (Mead is an alcoholic beverage made from honey and water via fermentation with yeast. It can be regarded as the ancestor of all fermented drinks, used by ancient people).

Standing there on the mounds they sang a song of celebration and victory. After that the mood became solemn and people very sincere and prayerful. Then the line of people was opened in the middle, between the mounds, and they began to merge together as one line passing by the runic stone made by Harold Bluetooth.  Behind was the white church, which was more white than ever! In front of the church was a couple sitting on chairs overseeing the ceremony. For some reason I could not see who the couple were, but they were very respected by all participants. As each person passed by the stone they poured the Holy Wine respectfully and solemnly over the stone. The impression was given, that the 1200 cow´s horn of Holy Wine poured represented 10 x 120 generations of people living in the danish kingdom, since ancient times.

But as the 1200 began pouring the Holy Wine over the stone, then the side with the carved ornament (of  the crucified Jesus with the “Midgard serpent”  intertwined),  began gradually to change image: gradually the “Midgard serpent” came alive and “released Jesus” by slowly crawling down on the ground in front of the stone. There it wrapped itself into the same decorative symbol of the 2 spirals , which simultaneously was being unwrapped on the 2 mounds as the people passed the stone. As the last person poured his Holy Wine on the stone, the snake then suddenly became white and was transformed into the Unification Church Symbol! The Unification  symbol then moved up from the ground and was carved in the stone, above and to the left of Jesus head ( seen from the viewer).


Content of vision “live” on 18th October:


Then suddenly I was brought back again to the main ceremony at Roskilde Cathedral, being located at the same spot.

From there it came to my attention, that there was a certain order of who was standing first (meaning closest to the stage) and who was standing last:  behind Saint Ansgar and the 3 masters of religious ceremonies, were all martyrs and soldiers who had died for their country in wars before, in and after the Three World Wars. After them I expected all the many christian ministers in 1000 years of christianity in Denmark to be next in line, but here I was surprised. There were only 30 – 40 ministers, whom I could not identify. Then after them there were many ordinary people who had lived a simple life like farmers, fishermen and simple housewifes. They pushed them self to the front, because they had been entitled to, and instead I saw how all the many Christians ministers had to accept to be pushed out to the sides far away from the stage. Then I was curious to see where the Kings and Queens of Denmark were located, since it has a 1000 year unbroken family tree all the way back to King Gorm the Old and Queen Thyra Dannebod. To my surprise I almost could not see them because they were in the most far back - so far back that I could hardly not recognize their spiritual existence.

Then I could sense that the Blessing Ceremony was coming to a close. Then suddenly above the people I saw Dannebrog ( the danish flag) waving peacefully with is red background color and white cross – filling the whole sky above them. 

Then after True Parents three cheers of Eog Mansei, which concluded the ceremony, something  extraordinary happened: suddenly bridges made by pure gold and beautifully decorated, were being build everywhere, starting first with the bridge between the major islands of Zealand and Funen, and then between Funen and the mainland of the peninsula Jutland, then between Zealand and Sweden and finally then between all the 400 islands of the danish kingdom.

But then I saw a gigantic bridge being build from Denmark and all the way up to Greenland to the place in the southwest of Greenland, where Norse explorers from Iceland settled in the 10th century. Then from there a last golden bridge was being build, just as long, to the Norse settlement from around year 1000 in Newfoundland in North America, Canada.



Norse ruins in Greenland                         Vikingship                              L´Anse aux Meadows in Canada 

Erik the Red (950–c. 1003) from Iceland founded two Norse colonies on the west coast of the southern part of Greenland in the year 985. His son Leif Ericson (c. 970 – c. 1020), was a Norse Explorer who is currently regarded as the first European to land in North America,  492 years before Christopher Columbus. He established a Norse settlement at “Vinland” which has been tentatively identified with the ”L'Anse aux Meadows”, a Norse site on the northern tip of the island of Newfoundland in Canada.

At the moment when the last bridge touch land in Newfoundland, suddenly the background color of the Dannebrog flag changed from red to blue! This blue color was the exact same one which is behind the white stars in the Flag of the United States. I got the impression that it symbolized that “the era of the spiritual realm of Denmark” now was over and, through the Cosmic Blessing Ceremony, had been reorganized as a fully integrated and united international realm of brotherhood.


Then as a conclusion, something very wonderful happened: the happy atmosphere of the “The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard”; Matthew 20:1-16 (which all the time had been in the background of the vision) became even stronger and suddenly, as with a magic stick, this parable settled in the hearts and minds of all the people present. Everybody congratulated and embraced each other. In one instant all people began to see each other as brothers and sisters of one big family. The order of who was first and last in front of the stage had disappeared and people walk around wherever they pleased and everybody felt free to greet everybody, whatever their background was.


This is the content of the vision.


Now the age of true brotherhood and sisterhood have come – Eog mansei!!!




Lars Bruun de Neergaard,

30.000 Couple Blessing

Unification Church Denmark

October 21th 2009.